Rotary Ride for Rescue

The Rotary Ride for Rescue
Join us for our annual cycling fundraiser

Saturday June 14th, 2025

From 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Join us for the 14th Annual Ride for Rescue Cypress Mountain Hill Climb which will raise funds for North Shore Rescue, Marine Rescue and Rotary projects. 

The event attracts both elite cycling teams and recreational cyclists of all ages looking to challenge the timed, 17 km route up Cypress Bowl Road on Cypress Mountain or the 11.5 km offroad mountain trail.


This is a unique cycling event as there is a road course for road bikes and ebikes, as well as a separate dirt trail for mountain bikers. 

Presented by:

BPP Stacked Logo (Transparent)

Your fundraising efforts support North Shore Rescue, Marine Rescue and Rotary Humanitarian Causes.

"While the costs associated with searches and rescues are covered by the Provincial Government, NSR's equipment and training is covered primarily through community donations and some government funding.

North Shore Rescue is extremely appreciative of the many years of support from the Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise. Funds from the Ride for Rescue have been used to expand our rope rescue capability, our helicopter rescue systems, and our technology for finding lost people through their cell phones." -Scott Merriman, Team leader.

Last Year We Raised over $100,000. Our Goal this year is to raise $150,000.

Together we can achieve our overall fundraising goal of $150,000! Whether you are working with a team or participating alone, we’re in this together.

Past Event Gallery

Ride Countdown
